A Thesis on the Perplexing Conundrum Regarding Singapore Idol
(otherwise titled : Why are we getting such crappy results and why Jerry Ong might end up in the Final 2.. *~shudder~*)
Fact One : SINGAPORE is a small country with an even smaller TV auidence and yeah... a miniscule population that would actually part with their precious money to VOTE for some silly contestants prancing on stage no matter how good they are.
Fact Two : 99% of the voters base their votes on their relationship to so-and-so and blah blah... cos she's the sister of my cousin twice removed from that uncle's friend so on... SUCH voters would care less than to see the rest of contestants walk on fire or jump off a cliff for them to change their votes... In fact, their preferred contestant could merely appear on stage, fart, walk off and they still get these voters' votes...
Which pretty much explains the results of the show doesn't it Singapore?? I wasn't around to see the disgrace of a show that spat out my fav Jeassea K. Thyidor or Beverly Morata, but well.. i wasn't too surprised when I heard of this from my sis. (mind u, i wasted much overseas telephone bill to hear this appalling news) Thing is, don't tell me Jessea was too cold or Beverly was too loud or something... they just had less relatives and relations, considering their eurasian backgrounds, and hence.. poof! they're gone...
Theories I have to debunk..
Theory 1: The LaToya Syndrome
Some who have watched American Idol 3 and saw a similar disgrace which led to Boomie (Jennifer Hudson) and La Toya's expulsion might be similarly convinced that this similar phenomenon is happen, that it was simply because the two divas (Beverly and Jessea) split up their voters' votes and hence lead to their demise... HELLO? Perhaps this is like in the infantile stage of the show and things such as voting bulk for each contestant has NOT been formed.. (though I doubt in this case it ever will) And well.. to put it in perspective, at least America had the decency to recognize their talents and vote for them, Singapore (us being well.. a lil' cheapskate) just appreciated and failed to vote... hence the result...
Theory 2: The "They Should Let Us Vote Against Contestants" Opinion
Wantin' to get rid of Jerry Ong i see.... but well.. the theory is flawed... why? Because what would then happen, is that rabid fans of certain poorer-faring Idol hopeful would band together and pick off the strong contenders one by one... ie.. the result would be something like Jessea, then Leandra, then Maia and so on... such that in the end, we have a Final 2 of people we scarcely know, and hence have scarcely been targetted.. (Ghastly Jerry would finally stir up enough hate to earn his expulsion mid-way)
ie. Final 11 : Jessea, Beverly eliminated
Final 9 : Leandra eliminated
Final 8 : Maia eliminated
Final 7 : Taufik eliminated
Final 6 : Olinda eliminated
Final 5 : David eliminated
Final 4 --> Sylvestre, Daphne, Jerry, Christopher (ewww)
Aniwez... what's all this talk in the forums and newspapers for!?! JUST SHUT UP AND VOTE for your FAVOURITES for goodness sake! The only way to defeat rabid fans to do be even more RABID!!! yeah!!!
Signing Off,
Dr. FrAnk Chan
(Phd, ReaLity TV AnalysIS and CriTIQUE)
Goodbye to..

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