earth is an old gal
finally went to fellowship today at church.. where an intense brain-scratching session was brought forth by junlin over the age of the theory is that the earth is old... cos you cannot gauge the time that is measured by god as "days" for the first few days.. cos well.. time is only a consideration when man is around.. God doesn't need the concept of time cos he is well.. infinte!
so well.. just like whilst you play SimTower and the first few days if u neva build anything and no on is around, the clock spins darn fast... (and i panicked lah!) similar this whole dimension wasn't even in the context of the first few verses of Genesis cos humans weren't around!

aniwez.. another point of discussion she brought out was that if we believed in old earth theory then we naturally believe in evolution..
?? no what... i believe even if there is evolution, it ONLY started after the original sin introduced death and the need to "fight" to survive... before that, in Eden everything was provided for and every animal was happy and well.. living happily together without a need to "struggle for survival"... no such thing as overpopulation or thing...
things only got messed up when adam sinned...hmm
aniwez wadever it is.. THE point of question is really not about how old the earth is... the point is we must believe God created the Earth and for a purpose... just like why he created us!
and honestly.. if a new believer keeps bombarding you with such questions and uses them as excuses not to believe, then well.. honestly.. parry his questions.. cos the root of the problem isn't such questions... there's a more inherent obstacle preventing him from believing... that usually being not being able to overcome one's pride or the concept that one is a sinner...
aniwez.. really must make a confession and really REALLY pray to God for forgiveness that i REALLY drifted away quite badly these few days from God.. like fill my whole life with irreverent things like Generals and well.. BLOGGING itself, and yet with so much free time, not spending time to think about God and think about his greatness...
"you hard-necked people".. God chastised the Isralites when they repeatedly did not have faith even ater experiencing much miracles and walking literally with the Lord... well.. it describes me as well...
PLEASE God... let me stay close to u and focus my life on u... noeing that THAT is the end-state and ultimate goal... dun get distracted... and really walk with u God...
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