Saturday, March 05, 2005

the malaise named bloggerism

SO, mr royston says i have "bloggerism"... or the excessive desire to need to blog everyday for at least 3 times or more...for what? I can't figure...

and yeah.. that sent me pretty much into a fit of indignance and irritation but well... so much for that... now i have another blogger's block...

-_-.... what the heck

wadeva it is... find it quite hard to write.. my life's getting so utterly boring as what I do has denigrated to:

a. trying to siam telephone calls from my battalion.. noeing it could not possibly be any good news... (i mean, planning DO duty for me whilst i am on course!? Gee.. HOW smart)

b. fiddling with the computer trying to decipher what the heck of a pathetic work system this ICS2 is... and i NEED to.. cos i'll be the one handling all these stuff.... but guess what? I'm in the wrong course... (thanks to none other then.. eh-hm).. and well, since S4s dun really need to noe this shit of a program, well, the instructors could hardly care less... and what we get are two days of dubious crap thrown at our faces and many assurances that "you all wouldn't really be needing these things, just leave it to the QM... it's just for you all to know... =)"...

gee... err.. I AM the QM?? and well.. i'm getting desperate.

think it'll get worse once we enter the Ops phase of the course where the relevance to the QM drops to like 10%? HOW SMART... honestly, i feel like i'm burrowing myself a burial site that's gonna be fresh and ready for me to fall flat into once i get back to my battalion...

and of course i have to be stupid enough to forget my 11B password and get locked out... -_-

so it's most likely many many piles of shit waiting for me when i return...

c. doing insanely stupid tests that honestly HONESTLY insult your intelligence...

I MEAN? look at this question:

----Match the follow STATUS TERMS with the correct explanation---
a. New Line Item
b. Pending Approval
c. Pending Receipt

1. Line item is awaiting approval.
2. A new line item request has been created
3. Line item is awaiting acknowledgement of receipt.

-_- x 10000

WHAT THE?? Honestly do u think we are retarded?!? and get this, this kind of question doesn't just appear ONCE, it appears almost for EVERY SINGLE module (there are 10 in total) of the system that we are tested on...

so whoever said no one can fail SAF tests... here's another avidence for ya'

~rolls eyes~*

so there... weeks are passing by too fast for my liking... but well.. as i told one of my colleagues in SOL, these 6 weeks are like a vacation from NS... =)

just that every vacation has to end.

and mine seems to end in a pile of shit. =(


a sick and coughing frank

p.s.: i STILL suck at DOTA... sigh... to lose 3 vs 1 is honestly pretty pathetic.. bleah!


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