why does it always rain on me?

honestly... it sucks being frustrated at not being able to get some much-needed rest today especially after the puke fest of a mess inititaion yesterday nite but it SURE SUCKS HELL MORE when there's no one you can vent your frustrations on or point a slick finger to and blame for it.
today's just a SHITTY day cos i completely wasted a superbly early book out (@ 2.45!) and only managed to enter my house @ 5.00
first, i try to call home to check if my parents are at home and then my phone (which has been running on ONE miserly bar of battery since mess initiation.. and which i could not charge when i arrived at home at a BLASTED 3.00AM in the wee mornin' cos the charger was locked in my parents' room)... yeah.. my phone DIES on me after a few rings...
so i immediately knew i was pretty screwed... cos my past horrific experience with trying to find a restaurant named "Zi Yin" in a sprawling HDB estate (where there were TWO BLOODY restaurants with the same name) with my handphone pitifully out of batt as well, had already enlightened me to a fact that the singapore government had been largely ignoring public phones of all sorts for many years liao due to the hp invasion...
and well.. i dun blame them, cos well.. its no point placing these nice phone booths around the area when no one uses them except for the occasional blangla or some philipino maid (that's so deprived not to have her hp yet)... and well, in the end the phone booth becomes vandal's paradise...
BUT.. i DO HAVE A BONE TO PICK with the fact that all the freaking phones around the HDB blocks are phonecard phones... i mean!?! i thought they like STOPPED selling phone cards liao?!? what's with all these phone booths placed at strategic locations pretending to look useful but then laughing at your face when you realise that it's not a coin phone?
the only phone that was coin phone was irritatingly occupied by a bangla who seemed to be determined to stay rooted at his spot for pretty long.. and when i drifted away to find another phone but came back to check my luck, he was joined by YET another blangla... DRATS...
so i had to scour the whole freaking estate until i saw some shops that mericfully had pay phones.. but even as i was using them, i realised people were giving me wierd stares as though it was a crime to be using the pay phone or what...
OK.. back to my unfortunate tale today... i was so darn glad to be able to get off early and like maybe come home and sleep and recuperate from yesterday's nightmare (which honestly i'm thinking whether i should write about..), and then after the sleep, maybe go for a short run..
then i missed my 165 bus just as i was approaching the bus stop after walking for 15 minutes to the correct bus stop... honestly... at that point i was starting to get pissed off at the day liao...
but well.. HORRORS UPON HORRORS greeted me when i reached my house... NO ONE WAS AT HOME... and my phone had conveniently died out... and of course, since i lose stuff as often as i eat during tea breaks, (just like HOW i got locked out of my SAF-CARD cos i couldn't remember my DRATTED PASSWORD and well.. typed 3 possible entries toi no avail...SHEESH.. im honestly a blundering fool!!) my parents naturally do not trust me with the house keys!
so how? i went to the security guard and badgered him for a phone, but he ignored me, talking gibberish on the phone for a full 5 minutes before reluctantly passing the phone over... gee... AND U STILL DARE TO WANT ANG-PAO FROM MY MUM DURING CNY?
i call, and to my dismay, my mom says she's trapped in town doing some stuff and will only be back in around an hours time... AN HOURS TIME!!! the severity of the issue was further hammered into my head when she made the ridiculous suggestion of me going to my sis's workplace to get the keys.. and my sis works @ MOE near buona vista...
maybe u dun understand my plight.. i was dog tired by the stupid mess initiation and wanted to sleep, but because i was wearing my uniform, sweating and stinking in it, i couldn't just hole up in any place and sleep, cos "it would ruin the image of SAF"... LIKE DUNKING PEOPLE TO THEIR DEATH DIDN'T DO ENOUGH...
furthermore, wearing the uniform MEANT i couldn't anyhow buy any clothes and change cos i was wearing boots, so i was stuck in my uniform for a hour... and i couldn't sleep...
so well.. i rotted @ mcdonalds for 1 hour, reading trashy magazines and when i return, THEY STILL HADN'T RETURNED!!!
ARRRGGRH!!! so i sit there resigned on the chair outside my housedoor and wait... but then the security guard misteriously appears and tells me my mom wants me to wait for her downstairs for the keys..
HUH!?!? why downstairs?!? (and i was miffed buy the fact he called me boy... HELLO!?! NS!?!? OFFICER!??)
so i go downstairs grumpily and wait like some schoolboy waiting to be claimed by his parents after school.. and honestly.. felt really pissed...
so when my parents come back... i sortta semi-vent but it's not fun... and its even more infuriating cos i have no one to blame except.... mess initiation? so i can;t really explode at anyone and well.. it's irritating
so there goes... i think this has to be my longest bitching entry to date... but i'm HONESTLY incensed...cos i want people to treat me like an ADULT, to trust me with keys, and not call me BOY!!
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