parsley hate
just for laughs.. here's an extract from xiaxues recent entry to her blog... complaining abt something i also complain alot... parsley in my food...
and dun u dare tell me parsley is good for health
"As I was saying, no offence to you disgusting Vietnamese people, but boy does Vietnamese food taste like shit. On top on very NORMAL beef soup, they add lemon grass, which despite arguments that it tastes good with curry, IS A FREAKING GRASS! Its name clearly says it is a grass. We are not cows. Cows eat grass. We are eating cows. It is ironic and rude to the cow that you are eating it, and cooking it with its food. Savvy?
And besides the grass they randomly throw into bland street meals to attempt to turn it into gourmet specialities, they also generously sprinkle GROUNDED parsley into the food. I never knew the world had a severe shortage of parsley; surely most of the world's parsley plantations were in my damned bowl of beef noodles. Ratio of parsley to soup? 7:1
Now, surely not all people like parsley? A good 50% of people I know don't eat it (I insist it is meant for purely decorative/torture purposes).
THEN WHY GROUND IT? Cannot just put on whole big piece in, like Angmohs do, is it? People who like it eat it. People who don't, take it out effortlessly. The last time I paid like $15 for a normal bowl of beef noodles, I had to spend 20 minutes fishing out all the parsley drifting happily inside my food and occasionally suffer a small heart attack when I almost bit into a weird veggie (which is, no doubt, more grass).
Never again."

i'm not dat bad afterall eh?
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