Monday, January 31, 2005

the art of wa-yang

hmmm.. the army is really a darn inefficient place ehh?

it's like... it's so farcical and pretense, as though people in the higher echelons with great ideals and fantastich plans are completely disconnected with the REAL unit world and hence dish out all sort of crap like..

GSI? LRI? Safety Meetings? Compulsory USMS and WITS?

I mean, i can envision what happens in the boardrooms UP there..

"Scholar 1: Hmm.. the army needs more suggestions from the lower-level lesser beings in order to improve.. but so far response to our suggestion box (just like that fateful one in Delta Wing which Zhirong broke) is at best lukewarm.. so..

Scholar 2: I know! let's make it compulsory for everyone to make at least 2 suggestions, and to add incentives, lets award good suggestions with monetary awards.."


so THIS is what you call lateral thinking??!

you just created a shit-load of more work for the poor S4s and their corresponding Dy S4s who have to approve all these for the money and then race to meet quotas... when like the result is most of the suggestions are CRAP...

and crappy suggestions get awarded money... ~*roll eyes..

and with all these auditing and so on and compulsory "fire drill reports" and "safety meeting reports"... just paves way for hapless staff officers cracking their brains for phoney meeting topics and agendas... duh..

i meet, cos no one else gives a rat-ass about them? and have much more stuff better to do?

you know, itz not that i'm complaining about workload, it just that it sucks to know that majority of what you do plainly is USELESS and contributes zilch to the organization... like most of the stuff you handle with is either outdated, irrelevant or fake...


oh WELL.. wadeva lah huh?

i'll try to have integrity and actually DO all the fire drills and safety meetings.. juz wonder when i'd be clobbered to death by my fellow pcs for wasting their time if i do that...



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