Sunday, January 30, 2005

god's little interventions..

still trying to search for reasons why i got posted to 3 sig bn as dy s4... i mean, maybe itz just that it's hard for me to swallow the fact that i got posted there cos "I ain't too combatant and not suited for such a job, that i'm not better than the rest"... cos towards the end of my stay in OCS, i came to realize that it ain't a bad thing to be "garang" or to just be darn good outfield or what...

oh well, too bad it came too late, now i don't really have a choice already do i?

but what i DO realise is that this might be a way that God is trying to remind me to return back to Him... to really "STOP WASTING MY LIFE" as my sister's book says.. and really, there are many timed interventions that have been occuring..

1. 3 sig bn's CO is LTC Milton Ong... who happens to be the guy who impacted me the greatest during the only MCF session @ OCS, whilst we were still wee TST cadets sturggling to survive... and his words gave me much faith and somewhat some courage..
What's more.. now i hear that there's prob an active prayer group in 3 sig bn and well, apparently most of the PC's there are christians...

coincidence? i dunno...

2. suddenly this week, my sunday is completely free and BLANK, with utterly NO frens to go out with me or what.. (unlike the past few weeks).. me being unpopular? (ha! doubt so lah... =) -- but will talk about the separation and drifting apart of frens some other time). What this gives me, is time to concentrate and spend more time in church and find my ministry to go in... choir? or even going back to fellowship and start again? i dunno... but i am motivated... this change in life isn't like for nothing... it signals alot of possibilites and things that i should and must do...

so there..

aniwez, just to share a story that my pastor told us during sunday school today..

"remember the story about the wealthy landowner who gave 3 of his servants 5, 2 and 1 talents respectively, talents being the money at that time (but fittingly literal in our times). The servant who got 5 talents invested and got another 5, the servant with 2 talents did likewise and gained another 2. The servant who had 1 talent however, buried it in the soil and hecne when the landowner asked for the money to be accounted, he only produced 1 talent.

to the other 2 servants, he said they were loyal, faithful and good servant..

to the sevant who had 1 talent, he called him a lazy and wicked servant.."

lazy was used to describe his attitude towards work, and wicked was used to describe his character...

so what does this tell us in our life now?

God gave us talents to be used in his ministries... but if we are not going to be bothered to harvest and find them, or just waste our life away, we are going to be condemned likewise to be "lazy and wicked"...

foor for thought there...



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