finally a good episode of amazing race
i was starting to really get sick of TAR (mind you, my favourite show), with all the explosive whinings, bitchings, bunching ups and just plain boring abusiveness of Jonathon...
Ethiopia proved to be a superb casting location unexpectedly...and well.. this was the first time in TAR history that the episode was heart warming and heart wrenching...
the innocent goodness of the ethiopians and the religiousness of the people there was very touching especially the scene of Hayden and the boy that held her hand and led her out.. these people are so NICE!! they are like.. well... this is true hospitality, without a taint or smear of manipulation or scheming or something bad that somehow our society has been plagued with..
Ethiopia was beautiful and the church hewned into the rock was even more amazing... sigh.. makes me wanna go to ethiopia eh?
and to cap off a good episode, Jonathon and Vic finally get booted!!! YAY!!! their incessant tirade was really getting on everyone's nerves and their departure lifts a huge burden off the show in terms of the abusiveness we are watching... but honestly, about Jon and Vic, i really think.. somehow.. that they are MADE for each other... despite how Jon abuses Vic... cos yeah.. Vic pretty much abuses Jon and hyper-ventilates so darn much... so yeah.. i have no pity for either one of them..
hopefully now the show will get back to its ol' goodness and well... captivate more audience... just stop the darnded bunching ups k?!?

Rock church in Lalibela, Ethiopia
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