HaPpY NeW Year!~
To all those celebrating and wadeva, spare a thought and a few moments of prayer who those affected by the tsunamis...but remember to HAVE FUN! =)
I have my bloody comms mag to worry about and i think its really gonna run aground.. my members just don;t want to listen to me and they're not producing their work.. I feel like a FIRST CLASS FAILURE...
i really suck as a leader rite?
aniwez i told all to come to my house tmr... i really wanna see who will come... if no one comes, I can jusr cry and concede that the mag is a GONNER... if some come.. then we'll try to pull thru.. and you are a fren indeed...
a worried..

thanks for being such a fun and friendly person to be with esp in Brunei!!! frenz foreve and thnx for the forsted choco malt! =).. ok lah.. u can demand the same when my bday comes again =)
Happy new year!
12:51 AM
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