flight of the phoenix

i dun agree with the critics this time.. it's not THAT bad...wah liao.. ravage the movie until like "...silly to the last drop of rationed water." and "...more like a waddling turkey than a soaring bird."
it dealt with some interesting issues, like having to swallow your pride in the face of a cocky arrogant person, knowing that you are in a do-or-die situation.. (in this case apologize-or-die)
that being said, if i were Miranda Otto, i would have slapped that guy silly man..
but that's me.. =)
so.. yeah.. to the newer generation who has not really watched it, it's not that bad a movie lah.. dun listen to those hardened, "think-they-are-so-knowledgeable-about-past-movies-and-hence-they-are-good" critics, and the mass of fakers that follow along to diss it...
have fun!
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