puppy love
normally when my family ventures out to the nearby restaurants along Upper Thomson Road for dinner, we would adjourn to one of the nice, clean pet shops to see dogs after the meal...
and well.. it always ends up with me (and my sis at times) insisting on getting one of the cute dogs pawing at the window separating us from them, with me pleading with my dad to buy one dog to play with...
today was no exception, cos once we stepped in, an ultra cute puppy-Siberian husky came bounding towards us and trotted towards my dad (who had squat down by then), and started pawing at him and licking his hands...

something like this...

more cute pics
and then i saw this ultra cute lamb-looking white dog when was also pawing at the window, as if pleading for us to buy it immediately... and that pretty much melted my sis' heart...
no pic cos i dunno the dog name.. =(
but yeah... so much for wanting a dog lah... it always lasts all the way till we walk back home.. then well.. it's forgotten till the next time we visit the pet shop again...
and well.. there ARE many reasons why my parents dun want a dog...
1. my second sis goes into major hissy fits whenever we mention wanting to buy dogs, cos she doesn't like the notion of dogs rumaging in her blankets in the morning... but since she's now in japan, it's not much of a consideration liao..
2. my parents KNOW how it'll end up.. with them taking care of the dog and me and my sis just playing with it when we have time... so the shampoos, the clearing of dog-poo and urine will be left to them, whilst we cuddle the dog and mutter sweet nothings to it...
so yeah.. my dad made a very clever comment... he said he would buy a dog if i start washing the clothes, washing the dishes, mopping the floor, cooking the meals and so on... which of course made me promptly shut my mouth up...
pity... so no dog for now i guess...
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