the undomestic goddess

Sophie Kinsella has a new book! but well.. not buying it YET, waiting for the paperback to come out before reading, must save money liao.. sigh..
to those who might feel utterly horrified that guys as actually reading girlish fluff like Sophie Kinsella.. well.. u're missing out.
Sophie Kinsella is wickedly funny, but well, she seems to have lost her touch with Shopaholic and Sis.
and well honestly, I'm starting to think that alot of guys are like sneakily reading the shopaholic series and finding it a riot as well. why?
1. what's this rise of brand-consciousness in the male populace in Singapore all about? the sad sad article in newspapers talking about this guy who amassed 20 pairs of branded shoes from like Gucci and so on, and is only at the age of 20.
i nearly lurched when i read to that point. -_-
wah liao! so darn brand conscious for what!? not like people can see your shoe and then like exclaim that it is Prada or something!? then like what, buy 11 more then can wear one every day of the month?!
*~rolls eyes~*
but that's not all.
2. an earlier newspaper article also cited some brattishly rich kids spending loads and loads on their definition of ultra-kewl urban hip wear from brands like a slurping ape and so on... and then they go after shoes that are limited edition which cost up to $1000... and they have no qualms buying them just to feel unique.
wow. $1000 on shoes!? looks like guys have overtaken gals in terms of brand consciousness AS WELL AS splurging.
oh well. see what i mean now?!
so i won't find it wierd if guys actually read the shopaholic series, and find alot of similarities within.. hehe
so to the guy that has bought, in just a month:-
- 01 Ralph Lauren polo tee
- 01 A/X tee
- 01 Guess tee
- 01 Levi's jeans
- 02 Adidas sneakers
and now has literally gone bankrupt for the month.. errm.. DO read shopaholic and possibly learn... =) YOU know who u are...
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