Saturday, November 06, 2004

it gets WETTER

As Jer Husan put it aptly whilst we were doing the OCS Challenge today, (BLASTED HOT SUN) we have been pretty much operating in wet soggy boots for all our outfields in the past month... EX Castaway check, Ex Robinson Crusoe check, Ex River Cross duh!.. and now Ex Coastal Hooks... bleah..

We went to Seletar Camp yesterday (fricking whopping big labyrinth with many open spaces and dilapidated-looking houses... one looked like an old school side tuckshop which was actually the engineer officers' mess... bleah) and well did our Coastal Hookie thingies lah... the inital excitement and mild euphoria about being out at sea and jetting towards the open sea in little boats, seeing Singapore in a radically different way and relieving memories of OBS whilst passing through Coney Island and Punggol Jetty, very soon faded into sian-ness at being in the boat for so long, sitting till our butts hurt (why they don't build seats i dun get), getting whacked by the sea spray every second and being worried that your weapon and rusting minute by minute as the saltwater tarnishes it...

To top it all off... CAT 1 soon came, and we got stranded on the bloody Coney Island.. I remember myself kayaking round Coney Island few years ago during OBS and wondering which bloody lunatics would go to a deserted island and build some stone benches for picnics and so on... so yeah.. we're the lunatics that got beached up... and having to take cover in some mosquitoe infested nearby forest-shelter where we soon fell asleep after waiting and waiting like 3hrs++ for the CAT 1 to clear... it was Microwave all over again... bleah..

at least the pple around weren't that bad company.. and got to noe Teen/Tristan slightly better... somehow Plt 3 seems to have the more garang-ish pple whilst Plt 1 just seems like a a joke sometimes... i mean.. Boon Peng? me? Linus?.. oh well... there's Loy in Plt 3 at least.. =)

at night we did our beaching manouvres which were well.. pretty decent and thank goodness dun have to samulah.. went back to keep the boats, scrub them and clean them etc... for the first time i think the instructos and cadets really worked together and got things done... pretty chop-chop..

point is, we returned to camp late and dead tired by all the stiff sitting and salt water splashes... and we slept EVEN later at arnd 0230hrs... and yeah... Delta Wing continuing its tradition of not making sense, plans it such that this exercise preludes OCS Challenge the next day... sigh.. either someon'es really not using his upper facility or its just one whole big irony... i mean.. u want us to win the OCS Challenge, get a streamer for our increasingly pitiful flag.. but yeah.. the day b4 u send us outfield which makes us whacked left right center by sand, sea and mud... then have to return camp to deal with the new horrors on our weapons and clothes--> SALTWATER AND SAND... (esp thru proning on the beach), then finally give us 3hrs of sleep and expect us to perform.. haha... BLEAH.. might as well don't participate liao

turns out the OCS Challenge was pretty much a washed-out thing for Delta.. only Ning Yan's detail came in a respectable 13th.. and the rest of us were too wiped out and tired to show some interest... then came the next bombshell --> lunch on sat @ the cookhouse... chomp chomp BLEAH... what stupid cock-ster would indent lunch for no good reason.. it's so darndedly dumb and waste of time lah! sigh.. Delta wing really... nothing much more to comment lah.. 11 more weeks.. then no need to suck so much thumb liao..

just a side note.. yi hao's a pretty good buddy to pair with for stuff... anything lah... i'm NOT going to bitch abt my buddy.. i just wished.. well.. my buddy would develop an overnight sensibility to clean up the room when it's truly filthy and not just keep halting in his tracks and checking his handphone for new messages 24/7!!! i mean.. it doesn't take much more effort to just put the SBO/field pack and other barang barang into the shelves and at least keep the floor walkeable and not strewn with anything and everything... and the blatant eating in bunk and handphone usage is getting on my nerves as well.. SIGH... give me back Gangwei!!...

as Jeff Probsts says.. it's time for a reshuffle...yah rite!



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