Survivor 9 and AMI

Yes.. I'm thinking of something EVVILLE!!
Was reading the mess boards, where EVERYONE has been talking about Ami's gameplay and how she is a man-hating bitch and so on.. oh well (roll eyes)... I'm interested thou... cos she's the first most powerful Alpha-Female to grace the screens since Jerri and Tammy... and Jerri/Tammy both died out pretty quickly... with Jerri descending to levels of self-pity in the ASS.. oh well..Jerri struck off Kel, then Maralyn and almost got Keith... similarly, Ami has effectively and clinically removed Bubba, Lisa and now Rory out of the game.. interesting eh? and both of them have lap-dogs, the likes of Amber and Leann... SIGH.. but aniwez i do admire Ami's play.. but her frank-ness could cost her the game..
i mean, she hasn't been badmouthing contestants and having arrogant confessionals and so on, neither has she been bad-mouthed by the female contestants, and the guys can't stand her cos she's so powderful now.. hehe... she's playing a good game.. but somehow editing has exposed her gameplay too early.. thanks to rory and so on... dun think she'll win.. but hope she lasts long...
aniwez.. this was an interesting post..
"Re: Is Ami the first female mastermind?
What has this woman done to earn everyone's hate? The only thing she did was get people booted who were a threat to her and her alliance. The last time I checked, that is what people have to do to win this game. She hasn't had any gloating, arrogant confessionals (like Hatch and Heidik). She hasn't lied about a dead grandmother (like JFP). She hasn't lied about anyone having beef jerky to get them booted (like Jerri). She hasn't been mean to anyone in the game, unless you think telling Lisa to her face that she didn't trust her and would be voting against her is mean. I don't. I think it's direct and confident and somewhat risky, but definitely not mean. Maybe you think telling Rory she would not align with him was mean. Would you have preferred that she lie to him and stab him in the back later? (like Rob and Amber) Besides, Leeann also told Rory to his face that he was not going to be part of the women's alliance and no one is vilifying Leeann. Leeann also voted against Lisa, and no one is vilifying Leeann.
So let's see, what could it be that makes people hate her so much? Well, perhaps it's because she's a out lesbian and unapologetic about it. How dare she be beautiful and confident and secure about herself. You're right. What a bi***!"
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