Back With a Vengeance... and much afterthoughts
The touchdown cheers at Changi showed pretty much how missed we missed Singapore.. (or translated as how much we hate the hell-hole that calls itself Temburong and Lakiun....)
Will be writing about my reflections in the serious tone soon... but for now.. i'll vent on several minor points..
1. SIA now has a AWESOME array of entertainment, be it the 202 CD collection or the AMAZING movies they were showing, including the un-censored versh of LOVE ACTUALLY (which puts everyone in the mood for christmas --> the show i would opt to be seen for every christmas.. esp the improved versh of Mariah's "I don't wanna alot for Christmas) KEWL!
2. Survivor never has any chance for PRETTY BABES... ie JULIE BERRY... but pu-lease??!? dun go waste your youthful and pretty looks plus sharp mind and go dating with the 43 year old prune of Jeff Probst!!?

pretty+kewl+smart.. too bad she was out-manouevred by Chris... oh well..still she'll be in my dreams.. so GET LOST PROBST!
ok... will be serious later on... this is for now..
(btw.. i only lost 2 kg.. which kinda makes me feel sore... but i'm feeling good about my weight and so on.. just KEEP IT THERE BABY!)
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