Frank's Buying List and Movie List
To Buy --
1. Crumpler Bag (Weenie) -- $79.90?

2. Choker-ish type necklace thingy -- around $5 - $8?!
3. NICE Adiddas Polo Tee -- $40.00?
4. Nice shirt from Gio/U2/Bossini?
5. Tee-shirt from Billabong/Quiksilver

To Watch --
1. The Forgotten -- BUT 2 1/2 stars!?
SIAN... all my med fac frens hibernating to mug liao... no one to accompany me out =(... and den my ocs frens like all so busy one... hmpf! wadever.. i'd entertain myself and improve on my com knowledge!
To Do in the Next Yr or so --
1. Learn computer designing programmes like Adobe Pagemaker, Photoshop, Premiere, Flash, Dreamweaver
2. Learn to drive
3. CHOOSE what school i wanna go to
4. Learn tennis WELL
booking in in around 3 hours or so... what did i do today.. err.. nothing much.. but forget it lah.. as long as i rest its fine.. and well.. hopefully the cheerful vibes im getting fm OCS doesn't stop... then it'll be pretty fun.. TIL brunei that is..
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