Saturday, January 15, 2005

random thoughts...

say u are the commander of ocs and you come across the particular cadet, who is simply exemplary in many ways and is a truly inspirational and great leader whose skills are darn fact, you can see he single handedly supported his foxtrot platoon and was like THE personality of the platoon.. plus, he's the SSM, did a great job, got Wing Best in Foxtrot as well as Best Knowledge (grr..), and well... is going to commission in two weeks time...

then.. you hear news from one of your ex-officer cadet mean-spirited manpower CLERK who comes across this guy's curriculum vitae and smells something amiss...

"11 'A' level subjects? Dad studied at Yale and Mum at Harvard?... sounds fishy"

and this mean-spirited cadet goes to dig a little more further and finds out..


the exemplary cadet faked some portions of his curriculum vitae.. ie. LIED!! Where has his integrity gone to?! how can you commission an officer cadet who lied about his results just to get into OCS? he is a mockery of the SAF 7 core values!


so what will you do? expel the cadet? remove his wing best and best knowledge? or let the matter just rest?

will you side with CAMP A... whose stand is that one's merit in the course should negate this small fact..

1. honestly speaking, there are MANY more cadets who infringe on the 7 core values (like my buddy) by simply lying or covering up mistakes or whatever.. so what would you do to them? expel all of them till OCS is empty?

2. this guy PROVED his worth and weight in GOLD... he was exemplary and his conduct was good, consistent throughout the way... besides this small lie.. he never really showed a tendency to repeat such an infringment..

3. this guy was truly a asset to the army with regards to his knowledge and management skills

4. to put so much effort in faking such results only shows further how much he wanted to get in...

5. talking about DESERVING to commission.. i think there are many more people that deserve it less than him... WHAT message are we trying to send out? that ONE mistake is enough to SCREW you over?

or will you agree with mean-spirited cadet and well.. the OCS Commander, in Camp B, that...

1. we are sending a message across that people can fake results and then perform well and then get away with it.. are we promoting such things? esp since he is a regular.. this is like fradulating your own results in the real coporate world (i would think in the real coporate world such a person would be deemed a very valuable asset)

2. according to the words of commander ocs, "we cannot allow people to just pay lip service to the SAF core values..." (??)..

honestly... i dun't think this cadet should have been expelled.. but oh well.. what's it for me to see.. i'm going to be a small fry Dy S4 in 3 SIG Bn... so..

(btw.. what's it i hear about 3 SIG Bn being very xiong and very demanding etc... oh man...)



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