Sunday, January 09, 2005

A beautiful song...

"Could we ink the ocean fill,
and were the skies of parchment made,
were every stalk on earth a quill,
and every man a scribe by trade,
to write the love of God above,
would drain the ocean dry,
nor could the scroll contain the whole,
though stretched from sky to sky"

ain't it beautiful? sang it at church today @ cantonese congregation... and well.. really.. God's grace on me has been great the past year.. and still is.. may I continue to learn from life's lesson yet never be arrogant.. and always follow God closely along the path of my life...

I should be knowing my posting this week... pretty apprehensive as it could lead to very varied paths for my this next year of life...

life @ 19..

- a PC life filled with much adversities, challenges and problems where really I would have to combine all my wits, resources and physical strength to battle it out and come out learning much and enriched with much of life's wisdom... feeling contented yet knowing I sacrificed alot of time on it?


- a office-bound job with little attachments, lots of time for myself to learn driving, cars, to get my chao-keng's frenz envy by doing little in a cushy office yet earning much... yet in myself feeling a little cheated.. a little discontented that I spent the previous year suffering and learning so much for this?..

or something in between?

i dunno... all i noe is that God will provide and hopefully I can learn, through his guidance on the many lessons of life littered on...

reGards..(and going back to camp)

"life's replete with lessons.. it is whether you open your eyes and your mind to see them"


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