Tuesday, March 08, 2005

blasting at the army...

hmmm.. some interesting comments in relation to the piss-poor performance of Ron and Kelly (the surprisingly plain beauty queen and her trophy POW boyfren... watch them implode man..)

"First of all he is in the Army not the Air Force. The AF pilots fly jets not helicopters. And secondly stupid people make better soldiers. They follow orders better than the smart people who always question why they need to do something a certain way. The stupid ones just do it."

"The American Military isnt filled with the smartest people you know. They are a bunch of morons that shoot at each other and their allies more then the enemy"

then the rebuttal..

"Wow how pathetic! I hope you people that are trashing the soldiers in our military aren't Americans. How very sad that you would degrade and put down someone who fought for your very freedom to speak openly without retribution. America may not be making all the correct decisions but its entirely out of line to disrespect someone of his standing you may not agree with the war but you never take it out on the soldiers who volunteered to protect you. Especially one that was captured and had to endure the shit he probably went through.

How disgraceful!!! "

and then the counterblast...

"The military in Iraq are out fighting for oil and Bush's ego, not for my freedom. It always amuses me when people tell me that soldiers are always fighting for my freedom when they aren't really and everyone knows it. "

hmm.. i particularly agree with the last comment...

have PEACE not war.. and especially NOT a war that goes searching for some nonentities like WMD...



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