Friday, April 29, 2005

hearing a 'pop' song

what's the point of going online at msn when everyone is either busy or away? busy playing some online game or doing something silly?


my sis told me it's because some people dun wanna talk to some people, so got reason to ignore them when they msg...

oh well. yeah, excuses to fend off thick-skinned pple like me? hehe.

aniwez, the cremation was today. so was the accompanied gush of tears from most people. I must say my grandmom is darn composed. she didn't cry... just look sorrowfully and wistfully and the casket moved along.

but i guess christians have the comfort that we'll meet each other in heaven again and so its not forever separation. in fact, ye-ye's pain was taken away, he's no longer suffering already.

and i have to tell you, this probably brought our family closer than it has been in the recent years. I got to catch up with so many people, got to experience the fun, love and joy with chatting and joking with all my aunts, cousins and so on.

like how my aunt was telling us about her students writing crappy answers in their tests.

Q. How do u test for hydrogen gas?

A. When u put a lighted splint in, you hear a 'pop' song.


which prompted my aunt to ask him which pop song it was..

(but mind you, my sis is even dumber, she said you would hear a sizzling sound. HUH?! u mean like roasting pig sizzle?)

so yeah, it was fun.

and i actually was starting to dread the whole thing ending. cos it meant no longer being able to spend galores of time chatting with my extended family. it meant facing back to the reality of crappy work and unmotivated men who try to climb over your head. it meant being pretty much alone again. =(

i realise NS made me treasure stuff like my relatives better. I mean, I really miss the times where we would just confirm meet up weekly and just chat and talk about the week and so on. But with NS, sundays became a probability and with my granddad getting admitted into hospital, things just got dull-er. sigh.

oh well. learnt alot from this whole stint. like what the contents of an urn are. or like how impactful a person's life can be. or like how wistful, quiet and high-tech the mandai crematorium is. oh well... some significant and some non-significant, i just hope that the ties between our family remain tight as ever...

and that maybe i can go out with my cousins more and so on... hehe



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